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Final Events:
Face-to-face Intensive Programme and Multiplier Event in Sweden September 21-25, 2021  

This could be described as the face-to-face part of the Online-IP. The purpose was to add some of the aspects that had been lost in the virtual version, and give the students the opportunity to catch up and do some networking.  Watching the participants you would have believed that they had known each other for a long time. 

Second Intensive Programme (IP) Online, April  9; April 26 - 30; May 7

The second Intensive Programme was origninally planned for Vienna in the spring of 2020 but had to be postponed with short notice and then moved online in April 2021. We were all heistant to move online since so many important aspects of the programme were tied to the physical interaction. Finally, we decided to try the virtual format and we were all very impressed by the interaction and the active learning that still took place. 

Transnational Project Meeting in Chester, October 24-26

The ReCreaDe Team met again in October, this time in Chester. The aim of this meeting was to digest the IP in Budapest together, to plan the upcoming IP in Vienna as well as to have time to sort out bureaucratic matters. You can read our blog post about Chester here.

First Intensive Programme (IP) in Budapest, April 24 - May 4

For our first Intensive Programme we reconvened in Budapest from April 24 - May 4. It was a truly moving and inspiring time for both students and teachers – if you'd like to read more about it, read our blog entry here. You can also see some photos of the IP on our Impressions page and if you want to get some more ideas as to what topics were moving us, you can visit our Resources page, where we've tried to gather some interesting reading material. 

Multiplier Event in Málaga, February 14–16

From February 14-16 we met in Málaga in order to present the ReCreaDe project and get valuable feedback for the process. At the same time the meeting served as a get together of some former participants in order to establish a Network for Early Career Teachers (NECT). For more information on NECT click here. If you want to read more about the Event in Málaga see our Blog entry, or get some Impressions of the Event here. If you want to take a look at the programme for the Multiplier Event, you can download it here

ReCreaDe Kick-off Meeting in Budapest, October 4-6

Our first Transnational Project Meeting took place in Budapest, from October 4-6. These intensive 3 days were used in order to start planning, thinking and get creative in terms of ReCreaDe. At the same time we were able to exchange experiences and ideas with other Erasmus projects through the meeting of the TEQUILA Network – the trans-European Network for "Teacher Education: Quality, Integration and Learning.” On our last day in Budapest we were also had the opportunity to participate in a conference for Hungarian Teacher Educators. For more information see our Blog Post on Budapest


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