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Reimagining Creative Democracy

Democracy and diversity are key priorities for ReCreaDe, in particular the relationship between democracy and diversity in the context of education. ReCreaDe recognises that diversity is a fundamental premise for democracy and the inability to positively engage with diversity is the inability to act democratically. For democracy to continue as a living ideal in Europe, Europeans need to develop new ways of positively engaging with the diverse cultural heritage of Europe. The project wants to address primarily pre-service teacher education as a foundational stage in teachers’ pedagogical development. We hope that by engaging pre-service teachers in critical dialogues and activities regarding democracy and diversity these experiences and understandings will inform their professional relationships with different educational stakeholders (parents, colleagues, officials), pedagogical actions in classrooms and different communities and ongoing development as educational professionals and members of a democratic society. Read more about ReCreaDe here...

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Watercolor Paints
Ceramic Sculpture
Several Open Books
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